Sunday, September 2, 2012

Chapter Six

~The Corners of My Mind~


"It's called retrograde amnesia, Bella. It's why you can remember some chunks of your life, but not all of them. More often than not, it's the most recent of memories that are unfortunately erased. I think it explains why you can't remember the accident or anything in the years leading up to it. You certainly remember your Aunt Didyme, and it's not to say that we can't continue to exercise your brain to try and extract some more memories…dislodge them, if you will, from their captivity. A speech pathologist's job is also to evaluate and treat language disorders, which includes cognitive therapy. I will be working with you on all sorts of memory activities, games, exercises and such. We'll see if we can't help to get through to some of the memories you are having trouble accessing right now. I need to you stay positive, though. I know this is scary and I know you are completely overwhelmed. Please, know that you can talk to me, your doctors, your nurses and your aunt. We all want you to succeed and feel more like yourself again. Okay?"

"Bells? Are you in here? Oh—hey! Whatcha got there?"

Emmett snaps me out of my daydream. I came across some of the paperwork and medical information from when I was first released from the hospital…or at least released from the Critical Care Unit and sent to the rehabilitation section of the hospital where I needed to learn to walk again. It's where I met my hero…my Emmett.

"Hey. Yeah, I just found some old paperwork from the hospital. I think this is right before they shipped me to your wing." I look over at him with a sheepish smile and he winks back.

"Best day of your life, right? All the ladies love the Em-man," he croons, curling up both his arms and proceeding to kiss his biceps. This guy is a hot mess. Then, he flashes that million-dollar smile and I have to shake my head and roll my eyes. If he weren't like my big brother, I know I'd have a crush on him. There's not a selfish bone in this man's body. He would do anything to take care of those he's closest to. And though our relationship started out as a patient-therapist one, he quickly became my most reliable friend and confidant.

Of course, I had Aunt Didi at the time, and although a generous and caring woman, she was flighty, quirky…definitely left of center. Not someone to unload my deepest secrets (if any) or my deepest desires (not that I had any of those, either) to. Anyway…Emmett was who I needed and who I relied on for the most part for a very long time.

"Yes, my life changed irrevocably the day you walked through my hospital room door, Em. It was the dawning of Bionic Bella…or Bella 2.0 as you dubbed me that first day."

"New and improved, baby! So anyway, Rosie sent me to come get you. We are hitting the road for Ocean City when she gets back from her home visit. She'll be done in about an hour. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, just let me get my sneakers on and grab my overnight bag. I'll meet you downstairs."

"You got it… I'll get the car warmed up."

"Em, it's 87 degrees outside…you know you don't need to warm up the car."

"Yeah, when I say 'warm the car up' I mean listen to my radio at an astounding decibel level."

I smile and laugh, "Okay, I'll be right out."


Even though it's just after noon, there's already plenty of stop and go traffic on Long Beach Boulevard. Not that it matters though; Rose won't be back at the house until at least one. Ocean City is about an hour south of LBI, and we'd probably end up dealing with weekend shore traffic whether we drove back roads or took the Garden State Parkway, no doubt. Our aim is to be down there in the late afternoon to enjoy an early dinner and just have fun wandering in and out of the shops on the boardwalk.

"Soooooo, care to share the exciting details?" Ha! That took all of 35 seconds. And so begins Emmett's hunt for more information on my big first date.

"Well Em, I'm sure your wife already gave you the abridged version of my date with James, what else would you like to know?"

"I don't know. Did he treat you right? Is he second date material? Have you spoken to him since yesterday afternoon?"

Good Lord.

He's worse than a pre-teen hanging out in the bathroom at a school dance. After all, that's where all of the real drama of 'who loves who' and 'should I ask him to dance or should I wait for him to come to me' takes place. Major deals were struck in the girls' bathroom…that much I remember from middle school. It was like the Geneva Convention at times. Maybe all world leaders should try and work out their problems gathered in front of waist-high sinks and oozing, no-name, pink liquid soap dispensers. It seemed to work for us way back in the day.

"Yes, I've spoken to him since yesterday and yes, I'm going out with him again. And yes, so far he seems like dating material and yes, he was a perfect gentleman and left me waiting anxiously for our next encounter. So, all in all, I think he's great. I like him. We'll see what happens next, right?"

"Hell yeah, baby girl. I'm stoked for you. Way to get out there and get your feet wet!" Emmett is beaming.

I side-eye him hoping he doesn't see my smirk. If things continue to go well, I'm hoping I might get more than just my feet wet. I shake my head at my own brashness. I don't want to come off as a horndog…but I am so ready to explore that kiss we started with yesterday.

"Yeah, and check this out! I didn't get a chance to mention it to Rose because she was so caught up in the details of our date and then we got sidetracked with talking about Alice, Jasper and the kids coming down, but… James asked me to be a waitress at his bar!"

"No way! That's awesome. I didn't even realize you were interested in working!"

"Well, I've been kicking it around in my head for a couple of weeks. With you working three days on and three days off; and Rose having private clients a few times a week, I figure I'd want to immerse myself in something other than plans for redecorating. The Sotheby's representative said they have an opening at the beginning of August for the auction. So I have to wait to do anything in regard to changing the inside of the house…may as well kill some time and meet people, right?"

"Absolutely. I love your attitude, Bells! This might be just what you need to get you out of your funk. I know it's been hard losing Didi…and Rosie and I are spectacular company…but even we get boring after a while, haha. Keeping busy for the summer might be just what the doctor ordered…the loooooooove doctor!"

I smack Emmett's bicep as he flinches and snickers.

"I said I was going to start waiting tables, not diving into a live harlequin romance, you goon." Not that I'd complain about any romance.

I'm really looking forward to another date with James. I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but after our date and subsequent two-hour phone call last night, I am thinking he's interested in getting closer as well.

I just hope his version of closer is similar to mine!

"So anyway, he wants us to stop by the bar tonight for a drink when we get back from Ocean City… if you're up for it?"

"Hell to the yeah! I've gotta check out your new stomping grounds if you're gonna be a working girl from now on!"

"Em, I'm gonna be a waitress, not a street walker. But thanks, it should be fun. Hopefully Rose won't be too wiped out from working through lunch and cavorting in Ocean City all evening."

"Oh please, she's a total party animal. She was lying on the beach from right after breakfast until ten minutes before she had to drive to her client's house. She's nowhere near exhausted. She'll be up for it, trust me. What did you say the name of the bar was?"

"Umm, I didn't," I laugh realizing my gaffe, "I suppose I should find out the name of the place where I might be working. That could be helpful. At least James texted me the address last night so we know where we're going."

"Alright, sounds fine by me. I wonder if it's Joe Pops? That place gets crazy busy. Holy shit…you might be dating the owner of Joe Pops!"

"Co-owner…and I take it you've been to Joe Pops before?"

"Hell yeah…great bar. They have awesome bands come in. Great dance floor. GREAT cheese fries."

"Oh Emmett, you and your gut. You're a bottomless pit, I swear."

"Well, hold onto your hat tonight, Baby Bell, because you're about to see something really special. You thought I ate a lot at Thanksgiving last year? Oh, you ain't seen nothing until you see me on the Ocean City Boardwalk, girly girl. It's gonna be epic."


Shrivers Candy Shop; aka Emmett's playground.
"See, Bells! Is this the great evening we promised you, or what?" Emmett is whisper-shouting at me, completely giddy and acting like a kid in a candy store.

No seriously, he actually is a kid in a candy store. We've been in a holding pattern at Shriver's on the boardwalk, where Emmett has parked himself in front of the salt-water taffy bins. He's meticulously counting out ten taffies of each color and flavor. Before this, it was the Swedish Fish bin. But not just any Swedish Fish…the MINI Swedish Fish because the bigger fish are for 'posers', apparently.

Endless Salt Water Taffy, part 1
Who knew?

I was also informed that the mini fish are sweeter and more manageable to cart around. And he has no time for the rainbow array of fish that come in the larger size…he wants two-thirds of the bag to be the red cherry flavor minis and the final third to be the purple grape flavor. He also is very stingy about sharing those.

I never knew this about him. For all the summer months that I was a patient of his, he was always very generous with his delectable little treats. He'd come back after a weekend and tell me about the fantastic weather down at the shore and then he'd share his salt-water taffy. Little did I know, he also had Swedish Fish, but they were not for sharing, apparently.
Endless Salt Water Taffy, part 2

I can't even look at this sugar-fest surrounding us right now, because we just gorged ourselves with two large pies from Mack and Manco. And Em was totally right, the pizza we ate last Saturday did taste like crap compared to this.
One of three locations in along the Ocean City, NJ Boardwalk
As we stood waiting to be seated in a cramped booth, Emmett was like a proud father encouraging me to watch closely as the sauce shot out of the tube to land on the raw 18 inches of circular dough. I think I heard him whimper at one point. Once we were seated and had our two pies delivered hot and fresh, Rose and I gawked as we watched Emmett make love to his slices of pizza. At one point I congratulated Rose after observing Emmett's oral skills. Clearly he knows how to work the lips, tongue and teeth. She rolled her eyes and started laughing as I joined in on the hilarity of it all. It was like watching some fetish porno film, "Peter Puts it to the Pizza". It truly was a sight to behold.
The awesomeness that is a Mack & Manco Pizza Pie

Nevertheless, the pizza was scrumptious. Rose and I did a decent job and only needed to wrap three of the original eight slices from the pie we shared. Emmett managed to eat six of his eight slices, finally patting his belly declaring "Uncle" and calling it a done deal; yet somehow here we all are staring at a diabetic's worst nightmare not ten minutes after leaving the busy pizza joint.

What can I say? Boys.

Once Emmett's four-pound candy purchase is complete, we continue to wander and decide to play a round of miniature golf. Rosalie is smoking Em and me, but we're having a blast. Minutes after turning in our golf clubs and mini pencils, Emmett insists we get funnel cake. I now find myself again sharing with Rosalie until we just can't look at it anymore. While we're eating the powdered sugar delight, Em has the nerve to say it is time for ice cream…and that is where I draw the line. There is NO way I'm eating any more food. This is insanity. When Emmett told me last week that they ate their way from one end of the boardwalk to the other, he wasn't exaggerating, not even a little bit.

Walking back down the boardwalk toward where we parked earlier in the afternoon, I stop dead in my tracks as we come upon a gigantic hotel. At least, it looks like a hotel. It seems very familiar to me, but I have no idea why. Aunt Didi said that I spent the summers of most of my teenage years here in Ocean City, but she was never specific as to where we stayed. For all I know, my dad rented us a house every summer. I just can't shake the feeling of the familiarity of this structure, though. It is enormous, taking up an entire city block and backing up right to the boardwalk. It certainly looks luxurious.

"Bella, are you okay? Is something wrong?" I hear concern coming through Rosalie's words.

The Flanders Hotel, Ocean City, NJ; view from the boardwalk

"Yeah...I'm fine. It's just…it's just this building, this resort seems really familiar. I feel like I should know this place…maybe I've been here before."

"Really? Well, let's go inside and walk around. It's a hotel, maybe you stayed here with your folks when you were growing up. Em…hey EM!"

Emmett has wandered a bit ahead of us and is checking out the hermit crabs, claiming he wants a summer pet. He turns, searching out Rosalie when he hears her bellowing for him and he jogs back to us.

"What's up? Don't tell me you aren't cool with getting a little crabbie for the summer, Rosie." Emmett is giving her his best puppy dog eyes and attempting to wrap his arms around her slim waist.

"No, you nitwit. I'm calling you over because Bella feels like she recognizes this building. Do you know anything about it?" Rose questions.

"Of course. It's the Flanders. Everybody knows the Flanders."

Suddenly, remorse creeps over Emmett's face and the sharp pangs of guilt cause his eyes to cast downward, unable to look at me.

"Jesus. Bells, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. I-"

"Em, stop! Seriously, it's okay…just tell me what you know about it. You didn't hurt my feelings; I just want to know what it is that has my gut telling me I should remember this place."

The Flanders Hotel; view from the street
"Well, it's a really famous hotel here in Ocean City. Always has been. Super ritzy compared to everywhere else on the island. I don't think it functions as a hotel anymore, though. I heard it closed down…but maybe somebody else bought it. It certainly looks like it's thriving now. Let's go check it out!"

Emmett grabs my hand as I grab Rosalie's and we Ferris Bueller-hand-train our way across and through the busy current of people on the boardwalk until we approach the entrance.

As we walk into the main lobby, I am immediately overpowered with a déjà vu sensation. Maybe Rosalie was right. Maybe I did come here with my parents years ago. Emmett excuses himself to speak with a clerk at the front desk while Rosalie and I just take in our surroundings. It's opulent. That's the only word coming to mind at the moment. A color scheme of mauves, deep greens and gold with floral patterns on the wallpaper and upholstery. Ornate looking pieces of artwork and furniture which while certainly all lovely, absolutely belong in a museum and not necessarily a family beach town. There are also enormous displays of fresh flowers in vases on every major surface of the lobby. It very much feels like a style that aligned with Aunt Didi's taste. We could practically be standing in her home. Though I feel like I've certainly been here before, it gives me a sense of unease.

"The clerk at the desk said we're welcome to take a look around. The sales and rental agent has left for the evening, but we're invited to explore the lobby, the ballroom and conference centers and the back deck with the pool and cabanas." Emmett is excited that there's a blip on my radar and he's going after it with both hands. "Come on, Bells…let's just wander a bit. We don't have to stay long if you don't want to."

I nod in agreement. I've seen enough of the lobby, so we meander down a large hall and take a peek at the ballroom and conference centers. There isn't much to see there. The ballroom is essentially empty, but rolling carts are stacked three-deep in the back corner of the room, most likely in preparation for an event this weekend. The conference centers look quite business-like. Long mahogany tables with rolling leather chairs on either side. Simple and classy.

Rosalie and Emmett are watching me closely, waiting for me to gasp, to see if I have a flashback or something, I suppose. But nothing is registering. I let it be known by shrugging and shaking my head in the negative that this is just a false alarm. Maybe this is all a fluke. We should just get back out on the boardwalk and make our way home to Long Beach Island. James is waiting for us to come out for a drink, anyway.

"Oh look, here's the door to the back deck. Let's do a lap around the perimeter and then we can get going, if you still feel like this is a waste of time, Bells." Rosalie is trying to stay chipper so as to not deflate my momentary high.

I try and pull myself out of the melancholy mood that swept over me in the last ten minutes. "I'm okay, Rose. Yeah, let's check out what they've got out back and get going. As much fun as gorging ourselves has been…I'm ready for a real drink tonight! I may even get drunk! I deserve it! And since I'm crashing at your place tonight, I can do just that!"

Emmett hoots and starts raising the roof. "Awwww, SNAP! ERRRY'BODY IN DA CLUB GETTIN' TIPS…errry'body in da club gettin' tipsy. I'm all in with ya, Bells!"

A half dozen people whip their heads around to see if Chingy is suddenly in concert in the Flanders lobby. Sadly, they discover that it was just our Emmett, who feels the need to channel hardcore rappers periodically throughout his day for his enjoyment and his wife's annoyance.

"Okay come on LL Cool Em, don't embarrass us any further. These people seem like maybe they'd like to chew us up and spit us out. Talk about high society. I feel like I should be wearing white gloves and the heart of the ocean diamond." Poor Rosalie. Emmett's silliness always puts her on edge when she's in unfamiliar surroundings. She never, ever wants to be the center of attention. And when Emmett is on your arm, if his physical appearance and stature don't make strangers sit up and take notice, his out-of-the-blue ovations to one-hit wonders definitely get the job done, much to her chagrin.

"Wow. Not bad. Check out this pool! Damn, I wonder how much it costs to rent one of those sweet cabanas?" Emmett and Rose are going back and forth whispering about the luxury of the back deck of the Flanders.

The Flanders' Cabanas, under the green awning.
I continue to stare but am suddenly fixated on the cabanas. Most specifically, the cabana dead center at the head of the pool. It seems to be the hub of all the attention. I walk silently with Emmett and Rose, still ogling the surroundings behind me and I stop just outside the cabana. There are a few night swimmers, but the cabanas seem to be unoccupied. I can't help myself from taking a lingering peek inside. Though I don't recognize anything specific, there is just an air of familiarity. I glance at a teenage boy out of the corner of my eye who has a stack of used towels in his hand as he heads toward the back entrance to the lobby. He's wearing white board shorts, a pale blue polo shirt and brown flip-flops. I'm trying so desperately to grip onto something. Some clue that might tell me that I'm on the right track regarding some of my history…but just as quickly as the feelings come, they seem to slip away again. It's beyond frustrating. I really want to believe that I feel pulled to this building because I have been here before, but I have no solid evidence and certainly no solid memories.

"Damn it!" If I could just have ONE person from my past tell me what to think, what to feel, how to act or at the very least, clue me in on whom I was, what I did, where I went, anything. But I have nobody. Everything continues to remain a fucking mystery.

"Come on, guys," I say shrugging. "I think it was a false alarm. Nothing is jumping out at me as a clear memory…I barely even have a fuzzy one. I want to believe I was here. But you know what? It's not worth my time and aggravation right now. I've been having so much fun today, I don't want to start dwelling on everything that makes me sad and lonely again. Let's get outta here and go get a drink."

"Okay honey, if that's what you want. But hey, it was great that you got a 'feeling'. Maybe it will lead to something in the future, right?" Rose is my cheerleader. She tries so hard; I decide to throw her a bone.

"Yeah. Even just an inkling is more than I had when this day started. So maybe, if we keep doing this throughout the summer, it will jostle a few memories. I hope it does."

Even I don't believe the bullshit I am spouting. But Emmett and Rose just smile and nod in agreement. Whether they figure I'm full of crap doesn't matter. I seal the deal on this visit. If I'm meant to remember things…I suppose I will. Today isn't my lucky day, I guess.


"800 North Long Beach Boulevard, Em," I scream to him from the back seat of his car. Of course he can't hear me because we are listening to a 'homage to Bella' mix that he apparently just dug out of his collection after we left Ocean City. The Chingy song he was belting out earlier is rumbling through his car as we cruise down the causeway, re-entering the island.

"Oh, really? You said 800 on the boulevard? Then it's not Joe Pops we're going to, I think it's gonna be Last Call! How cool is that?" I can see Emmett is all smiles from his reflection in the rearview mirror.

800 North Long Beach Blvd, Surf City, New Jersey; aka Last Call
"Last Call…isn't that the bar we went to last Friday?" I question.

"Yeah…how funny! Now you are dating the owner and becoming a waitress there! Oh what changes a week will make, huh?"

I purse my lips, deep in thought. That waiter didn't seem to like me too much. He was civil for the rest of that evening, but I don't love the thought of dealing with a not-so-nice guy. Maybe it was just a fluke. He might have been having a bad night. I can't allow one person to stop me from moving forward, and dictating the changes I want to make in my life. I have to start somewhere. May as well be here at Last Call.

Rose is very quiet as we find a parking space about half a block down from the bar. James was right…just from the outside this place looks jam-packed tonight. I glance over at her and she quickly plasters a smile on her face and grabs Emmett's hand as we walk across the lot.

Once inside, I immediately spot James behind the bar, putting money in the register. He turns, he locates me and a beautiful smile graces his face. Wow. He is a cutie. I think I might be crushing on this guy. We maneuver our way through the crowd, which is packed in here like sardines in a tin. As I approach the bar, James leans over and gives me a kiss right on the lips.

"Hey pretty lady. Glad you could make it. Can I get you a drink?"

Swoon. Okay…get your bearings, Bella.

"Umm, yeah! I'd love an Amaretto Sour. Rose? Em? What are you drinking?"

Emmett pipes up, "I'll just have a bottle of Rolling Rock and a Dirty Martini, three olives for Rosie."

I start with the formalities before we go any further. "Emmett, this is James Cullen. James, Emmett McCarty and you remember his wife, Rose."

"I do! Good to see you again, Rose. Nice to meet you, man." They exchange a smiling nod and what looks like a firm handshake.

"Did you guys wanna grab something to eat? I can seat you in the restaurant section so that you can actually talk to each other without screaming. Will that work?" He grabs some menus and leads us to a table slightly removed from the crowded area surrounding the bar.

James seems so caring, I can't stand it. I may have to kiss him again before the night is over.

"I could eat. What do you recommend?" Rose and I stare slack-jawed at Emmett's declaration. He can't be serious.

"Emmett Matthew McCarty, you have GOT to be kidding me! You are going to eat more food after your marathon food tour of the boardwalk? I may be sick. This is ridiculous honey, even for you. You're sleeping in the spare room if you get sick…I am NOT dealing with you drunk and stuffed to the gills, babe."

"But, honeeeeeey… you love me stuffed to the gills. I'd like to stuff you to the gills," Emmett adds slyly, nuzzling his nose in her neck and burying his face in her hair causing Rosalie to roll her eyes and giggle at her husband's antics.

"Hahaha. Well, I'll let you two lovebirds work it out on your own. Bella, you could always just take a look at the menu and start to familiarize yourself with what we serve for dinner, if you'd like." James suggests, grabbing some nearby wrapped silverware and sliding it in front of each of us.

"Sure, that sounds perfect. Thanks so much, James."

"Oh, it's my pleasure! You're saving us…the sooner you can start here, the sooner my brother will lose his pissy attitude. He's been stressing since we lost three of our staff yesterday."

"I need to meet him soon. Are you sure he's okay with you hiring me without him meeting me first?"

"Hell, yeah…he told me yesterday he totally trusts me…you're good. No worries. He was around here earlier, but hey, if you guys don't catch up with each other tonight, he'll be there at the food tasting on Monday, how's that?"

"Sounds fine by me!"

"Okay, I've gotta get back over to the bar, we're getting slammed…but I'll check in on you every once in a while. Carly is waiting tables in this section…I'll send her over for you." James winks and grins.

"Thanks." I add with a smile and then I go for it. "Try not to miss me over there," I flirt shamelessly.

"Always." Another wink, another grin and he quickly shoots back over to the bar. Oh, yeah. I definitely need another kiss before night's end.


Once I finish my beer with Tori's dad, I wander into the office to continue leafing through the applications. I need to make some more phone calls tomorrow morning to see if anyone else is available for waiting tables or tending bar this summer. Even if James ends up hiring his new flame, I still need a couple more warm bodies.

I grab my pile of papers, my keys and phone and go to shut the lights off. As I pull open the door of my office and prepare to navigate through the Friday night madness, my eye is immediately drawn to my right. I can't believe it! I recognize the blonde from last week talking animatedly with a guy sitting at her table. I can't see his face, but I'm sure it's the same guy who showed up last Friday night and sat with them all night. He's got his arm draped behind her chair, so I imagine it's her significant other. I look to see if Isabella is with her again, but they are alone.

Suddenly, I am half relieved and half disappointed. I've struggled back and forth all week long, trying to block Isabella from infiltrating my mind…but just seeing her friend here tonight without her, my emotions are conflicted. It makes me think that maybe last week was a one-time thing. Maybe she was just passing through town and caught up with an old friend. I don't even know if they are really all that close. And you know what? I shouldn't even care. I don't want to keep doing this. I so don't want to drive myself berserk with constant thoughts of her.

Hello? Asshole! You are FUCKING ENGAGED!

It's at that moment of resolve that I collide with a body exiting the ladies' room. I am close to a foot taller than this girl and when I look down to ensure I haven't caused a nosebleed or anything, I am greeted with the current distraction and bane of my existence; none other than Isabella fucking Swan.

And the hits just keep on coming.

Fuck. My. Life.

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